Fotolia leadership


We offer learning experiences designed to awaken your leadership capacity and provide you with the tools and skills necessary to lead effectively.

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Whether it's a keynote address at a conference or a motivational talk at a corporate retreat - we can deliver a powerful and inspiring presentation.

Fotolia inner core


Coaching is about building organizations from within the individual outwards. Engage in meaningful conversations that enable you to build your capacity to lead. We use Hogan Assessments and LEADS Canada 360 Coaching as the basis for engaging in coaching conversations.

Core Service

Hogan Personality Assessments

The Hogan Personality Assessments include 3 surveys: the Personality Inventory; the Development Survey; and the Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory.

The results of these self-directed surveys can assist leadership development and performance.

Leading Minds is a certified Hogan Assessment provider. 

For more information about the LEADS 360 Assessment go to https://leadscanada.net/site/assessments_debrief.For more information about the LEADS 360 Assessment go to https://leadscanada.net/site/assessments_debrief.For more information about the LEADS 360 Assessment go to https://leadscanada.net/site/assessments_debrief.SaveSaveSaveSave